September 20, 2024

22 Carat & 24 Carat Gold Price in India (Updated March 30th, 2024)

2 min read
20240330 152651

20240330 152651

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Gold is a beloved metal in India, used for everything from intricate jewelry to investment purposes. Whether you’re looking to buy a special piece or you’re keeping an eye on the market, staying up-to-date on gold prices is essential. In this blog post, we’ll break down the current prices of 22 carat and 24 carat gold in India, as of March 30th, 2024.

Understanding Carat and Purity

Carats are units used to measure the purity of gold. 24 carat gold is the purest form, meaning it contains 99.9% gold. However, 24 carat gold is very soft and not ideal for making jewelry. Therefore, most jewelry is made from 22 carat gold, which is 91.6% gold and 8.4% other metals like copper or silver.

Current Prices of 22 Carat Gold in India

Image of shop window displaying gold jewelry

As of March 30th, 2024, the average price of 22 carat gold in India is around â‚ą61,600 per 10 grams. This price can vary slightly depending on the location, the jeweler, and the current market rate. It’s important to shop around and compare prices before making a purchase.

Current Prices of 24 Carat Gold in India

Image of gold bars stacked on top of each other

24 carat gold is less common than 22 carat gold, but it can still be found from some jewelers. The price of 24 carat gold is naturally higher than 22 carat gold due to its higher purity. As of March 30th, 2024, the average price of 24 carat gold in India is around â‚ą67,250 per 10 grams.

Factors Affecting Gold Prices in India

Image of stock market ticker displaying gold price fluctuations

Several factors can affect gold prices in India, including:

  • The global price of gold: The price of gold is set on the international market, and fluctuations in the global price will be reflected in the Indian market.
  • The Indian rupee exchange rate: The value of the rupee compared to other currencies can also affect the price of gold in India. A weaker rupee will typically lead to a higher gold price.
  • Supply and demand: When there is more demand for gold than supply, the price will go up. Conversely, when there is more supply than demand, the price will go down.
  • Government policies: Government policies, such as import duties on gold, can also affect the price of gold in India.


Image of person wearing a beautiful gold necklace

Gold prices in India are constantly changing. By staying informed about the current prices and the factors that affect them, you can make smarter decisions about buying or selling gold.

Disclaimer: The prices mentioned in this blog post are averages and may vary depending on the location, jeweler, and other factors. It is always best to shop around and compare prices before making a purchase.



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